Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's been 10 years....

Since the tragedies in New York, The Pentagon, and Pennsylvania. Everybody else is talking about never forgetting 9/11. I must be in the minority. I would rather forget it...

What had happened since then? This is no longer America, land of the free. A have become a neo-fascist police state in the name of security. We cannot travel by plane without being sexually assaulted and/or subjected to medically significant amounts of radiation. Or correspondance is now monitored, probably routinely without a warrant. We can now be stopped anywhere by police and told to present our papers without cause (it's happened to me more than once). We are becoming a nation where if you're not a right wing evangelical Christian, then you're a criminal. In some states, it's even worse, if you're not white, you're a criminal. Due process of law and habeas corpus are things of the past. They don't even need proof anymore. They just have say terrorist, and you're locked up without lawyers or a judge, and subject to torture. Benjamin Franklin once said that those who would give up liberty for security deserve neither. We are now a nation without liberty. And there are still credible threats, so they say. So we are still a nation without security...

I did not rejoice on that day. And I did not rejoice on the day they killed bin Laden. Violence breeds violence, and is in and of itself evil.

Really, the only way to defeat the terrorists is to be free. The thousands who died that day died free. Yes, the attacks will come. Terrorists will rage, armies will assemble, and mobs may combine. But we can not give in to our fears. When we become a nation of fear, then our enemies have won.

Fuck the terrorists. I want my Liberty back. Live free or die...

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