Tuesday, November 07, 2017

15 years ago…

This actually happened Saturday, but between work and my most recent computer teardown, this is the first opportunity I have to write this….

Anyway it was November 4, 2002 that my younger brother picked me up from work, and decided I needed to go to the emergency room. And I was in no shape to argue. For those of you keeping score, it is called diabetic ketoacidosis. The emergency room was crowded, but I was so sick that I was seen right away, and that’s how I found out that not only was I a diabetic, but I was a type 1 diabetic.

This was November. Since the previous August, I was averaging about 2 hours between trips to the restroom. I was so much out of energy that I was coming to work 2 hours early to start opening the store off the clock, so I wouldn’t be that far behind. I had lost about a third of my total body weight, and friends were commenting about how I had lost a lot of weight. But I was in denial. I thought that if I simply cut sugar out, it’d go away (I was an adult, and I thought I had the adult onset type). But it doesn’t work that way.

The doctor said that had I gone home and went to bed that night that I most likely wouldn’t have woken up….

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