Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Stuff Bread Up A Turkey’s Ass Day!

Also know as Thanksgiving. I have many things to be greteful for. Family, friends, job, the roof over my head. The list goes on an on. I think last year, I posted most of the aforementioned items. But whether or not you’re eating Turkey, Ham, or Soylent Green (Or feasting upon the Lambs. And Sloths. ANd Carps. And Anchovies. And Orang-utans. And Breakfast Cereals. And Fruit Bats. And Large Chunks….), go ahead and have a happy Thanksgiving. There is nothing wrong with having Chinese Takeout or pizza for Thanksgiving either.

Although if you’re still looking for the largest turkey in the store, then go to the poutlry counter, and ask the clerk for Colin Kaepernick. Though Tom Brady is bigger, but by the time you get it home, it will have deflated to smaller than a cornish game hen….

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