Monday, September 07, 2015

Once more, an attempt….

When I first got an HTC One (M8), I initially tried a Lollipop ROM (namely the ViperOne Series). I initially went with this, as it was what I was using when I had my HTC One (M7). It had it’s issues, and in the end, I ended up going back to KitKat and using that. It wasn’t the latest and greatest, but it worked. Recently I updated my phone’s firmware, and went to give Lollipop another try. And this time when I downloaded and installed the ViperOne, I was unable to log into my VenomROMs account (which is needed to download all the extras that the developers offer). And I decided to try another ROM. This time, I went with Bad Boyz. It’s not as customizable as the Venom ROM was, but it works. Bells and whistles are good, but the more pipes you have in your plumbing, means it’s easier to plug up your drain. I have noticed that the battery does drain a lot faster than what I’m used to, but this is also why I have a 10000 mAh external battery (though it does take a while to charge it when I use it)… I’m hoping that the phone will settle down in a couple of days (as has happened in my other ROMs/Phones…).

Did I mention that I now have Sense 7, too?

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