Monday, September 28, 2015

To Judge, Or Not To Judge, Part II…

<Note: This is my second attempt at writing this post, hence ‘part II’…>

The Good Book councils us to “Judge not, that ye be not judged”. I try to follow that. Who am I to sit in judgment against my fellow man. Even when people are accused of heinous crimes, I can let the judicial system run its course, and let them decide a defendant’s guilt or innocence (in a related story, I take my jury duty very seriously). If they are guilty I let the courts handle it. If they’re found innocent, then I rejoice in fairness of the judicial system. There are occasions when someone is obviously guilty gets off free, but I would rather a guilty person go free than an innocent person go to prison.

But events of late are putting me to the test. I just want to tell people to their face that I can see through their maskirovka. But what if there wasn’t anything nefarious? So I give the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps there are facts & circumstances that I’m not privy to. So I hold my judgment. Sometimes, like with very recent events, it’s very difficult to not jump to conclusions. Other times it’s really easy.

Having said all of this, I can say, that it is far easier to not judge someone when they’re just a defendant that you see on TV. When they’re detached from you it is far easier for me to let the judicial system runs its course, and let them have their day in court. When it’s people you know who are playing the games, or are being played as part of somebody else’s games, then it becomes really difficult not to judge. But you have to take a look at yourself, and ask if you’re really any better than they are. And who are you to judge?….

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