Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas morning has begun….

Christmas morning has begun. Not because we realized that Santa came last night (not really, more on that later). No, Christmas morning has begun because I have my coffee. And my insulin shot.
So, after the Big Bryant Family reunion last light in Olalla, we all went our separate ways. I hitched a ride home with a cousin. But late last night, as my father was cleaning up, he heard a burglar on the roof. He attempted to come in through the chimney. I was a rather tight fit, as the would-be crook was rather obese. So, while he was struggling with the chimney and the flue, my father did the only thing that you should do when somebody tries to enter your house on Christmas Eve through your chimney: Call the pollice. They responded. And by the time he finally got into the fireplace, they greeted him with guns drawn. Needless to say, he got the cuffs slapped on him and he got his ass hauled off to jail. He had a bag of goods with him, obviously stolen from all the other houses in the neighbourhood. And he kept saying “Ho, ho, ho”. Obviously he was also some sort of street pimp…
In an unrelated story, there were no presents underneath my tree this morning, and I hear my father had to call animal control this morning. Something about 8-9 reindeer on his roof….

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