Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A thought to ponder

Am I truly free? Or am I just further fettering myself with idle dreams of that which never was, and never will be? Is it freedom to continually pursue a dream that will not likely com to fruition, or is it freedom to realize that a dream is only that. A dream. That which will never be a part of reality. Or am I only fettering in myself in idly pursuing it, blinded to the realities of life? Or does freedom come from realizing that this dream will not come to be, and letting it go? Or is abandoning my dream not really freedom at all? Maybe there is compromise between the two. Maybe I should let my dreams and my realities just agree too disagree. Then again, there will come a time when I have to definitely make a choice, one way or the other, or it will be made for me. I just hope its the right choice.

Yes, I'm just another introvert with a blog....

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