Monday, July 27, 2015

Yet another day off post….

So, it is my weekend now. I was supposed to work yesterday, but due to some other issues I had to call out (thank goodness for paid sick leave). Applying the lessons I learned the last time I tried to work through the pain…

Sometime today, I should be getting my new TV tuner card, and my Windows 8.1 Pro Pack key. I could’ve waited till Windows 10 comes out, but this way I have another option available (besides either way, Windows 10 is going to be a free upgrade). I’m also getting some 32gb flash drives, so I can set up install media & do clean installs for both my tower and the laptop. On the tower and laptop, I already have the Windows 8.1 restore media ready.

It’s my weekend, and it’ll be a fun one. I’ve already been to the store, and I have enough provisions that I don’t have to leave the house anytime soon (unless it’s for the all essential cheeseburger big bite run).

Did you know that Wally World have $5.00 pizzas. And they’re pretty good too…

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