Tuesday, May 23, 2017

It’s a heating up day off today.

IIRC, we hit the 80’s yesterday, temperature wise. Hot enough that I put in my window fan in my room for the season. With the schedule I have at work, that is sufficient. I’m at work during the heat of the day, and when I come home, I can turn the fan on and cool my room.

Some of you may remember my mother passing last year. And it was decided that I should get her air conditioner. It worked. But it was noisy and big. My room was cool, but that’s all I could say. I couldn’t sleep with it on. SO, during my vacation last summer, I moved it out to the living room. And then tried to cool the entire apartment. I’ve set it again this year. Once again relocating it, and I’m just going to concentrate on keeping the living room cool. Why not. I’ve got a laptop. My brother has a laptop. The Wi-Fi covers out there. I’ll just have to spend my summer putting up with my brother. How bad can that be?

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