Friday, May 05, 2017

Vacation Day 6 report

Currently watching Star Wars. Mailed my prescriptions off (with my prescription drug coverage, I get the lowest price with mail-order services). Survived the thunderstorms that came through today. And it was so warm today that I had to put my window fan in. Had some teriyaki for lunch, and they forgot the gyoza (I got take-out). NOrmally I would scream bloody murder and end up telling them to go f*ck off, and never shop there again, but this time it was different. By the time I realized it, it was too late for me to do anything, so I just ate my teriyaki. And then I realized that with what I paid for it (including the tip), I could get the exact same order from another place even cheaper.

Tomorrow is the last day of my vacation. Unfortunately, it is also pay the rent day. So I will be making a trip to the credit union to deposit my brother’s rent money. But I think I can squeeze in a day trip, too.

Anyway, goodnight…

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