Friday, May 05, 2017

Vacation: Day 7 Report. The Last Day

I return to work tomorrow. Today was the last day of my vacation. Which means I have to go back to work tomorrow. Today, I took a day trip to Federal Way. I mainly wnet up there to depost my brother’s rent money (the Twinstar Credit Union right by my apartment no longer offers shared branching, so I have to go to an actual BECU location). And I figured if I’m going to have to take the bus, I might as well make a trip out of it. Anyway after depositing the rent money, I went to Worst Buy and started looking for a Sprint usb modem (for my laptop). Decided I don’t need the $50.00 extra on my phone bill (you may remember my experiences with Sprint last month)…

On my vacation this week, I:

  • Was only penciled in once at Mrs. Fields. That couldn’t be avoided, there was a funeral in Canada, and you really can’t pick when your relatives are going into the Great Beyond.
  • Fixed two laptops at Grandma’s house. Went up there originally just to vist with my Grandmother, and this is something I need to do more often.
  • Went up north and saw a friend that I haven’t seen in years. I also discovered that the Westlake Center Food Court is gone. I used to manage the Mrs. Fields there (like 1999-2002). That was actually the first job that I had health insurance through. I was let go the day after I found out I was diabetic. If I knew then what I know now about the ADA, I would’ve taken the franchise owners to the cleaners. But this is a side note and is worthy of a separate entry in and of itself later.
  • Ordered a new laptop.
  • Realized that if you’re sending a letter priority mail, the post office will give you the envelope for free. You can save yourself the $2.00 at Walgreens. And I mailed prescriptions off.
  • Bought 300, 300: Rise of an Empire, and The Princess Bride on Blu-Ray. I had previously had all 3 of these on DVD, but since I have a Blu-Ray player for my 55” TV, why not get them on Blu-Ray?

For my vacation, I intended to stay home and sit on my ass. But I had to get up and move. Even if it was to the store for some Chinese take-out. But it was a week without the stresses of work, and though I really don’t want to, I think I’m ready to go back to work tomorrow.

But I really don’t want to…

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