Friday, August 20, 2021

The Last Day Of My Vacation…

I was going to stay up all night, and force-reset my circadian rhythm to my work schedule. But then I realized I had a UPS delivery coming today (the tablet I ordered yesterday). And then I finally did something that I had thinking about for a while. I ordered a second monitor. This means of course that my coffee maker will be coming out to the kitchen. Or to the closet. My brother has his coffeemaker in the kitchen right now, and I’m not going to argue with him. I’m still waiting for my motherboard to ship (scheduled to arrived on Monday).Today is the last day of my vacation. At 6 tonight, my alarm goes off and I return to work. I only have a three day work week to ease back into the daily grind (I took three vacation days, added them to my normal weekend to get 5 days off).

I really didn’t do much on my vacation. Went up to Federal Way on Wednesday, and while I drank my tea with my former boss, he said that he was going to train me for an emergency back-up at his new store (not to be disclosed yet). I know it’s a good thing not to burn your bridges, but I’ve already worked the equations, and this where location counts. I just can’t make it to his new location. But then again, this could be an opportunity…

Well, I did do something important: sleep. Late at night, with my computer f*cked up, I decided to take a 4 hour nap. And then another 4 hour nap in the afternoon, and I was good to go. And I had day light available to do stuff. And watch TV without having to DVR…

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