Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Vacation: Day 4

I know last night I said it was stream and chill. It was more less streaming and more chilling. I went to bed. Set my alarm for 4 hours and got up early in the morning. Went up to Federal Way. Met my former boss at Mrs. Fields. He offered lunch (it was/is my birthday). I settled for just a cup of tea. Mainly because my brother offered dinner, and I decided a taco bar would be good (hey, it’s Taco Tuesday somewhere). Got home from, and was greeted by 3 deliveries at my door (replacement parts for my computer). Now all I need is my new motherboard, scheduled to arrive soon. Took a brief nap, and then woke up to be told by my brother that he forgot to buy meat for tacos. No big deal. I know I can make some microwave nachos with what we have (I did place a grocery order when I got home Sunday). But he suggested Ubering Mexican. Ok, I can always go for arroz con pollo. It was good. I think tonight it will be another 4 hour nap, and then enjoy some more of that yellow thing in the sky.

And there were also all the birthday wishes on Facebook. I tried to reply to each one with a unique response to each one (note to my youngest brother: What has 9 arms and sucks?).

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